Monday, 23 April 2012

I'm back and a visit to how my first term went

Hello, after a few months of silence I am back.

I never anticipated how stressful, tiring and hectic my first term of teaching would be! But to my amazement, I made my way through it and am now into my second week of term 2, and while I am still tired, I seem to be functioning a bit better.

What a term, I spent the first few weeks getting to know the kids (and still getting to know them... some finally are coming out of their shells :-). What a great, yet exhausting time. I love my behaviour management chart, once I started using it properly it has worked wonders. It is the best motivation for the kids to be quiet. If they get to role model they get a sticker and after 5 they get an award! Very excited last week all my kids finally made it to their 5th and have now all received an award (with one boy and one girl already receiving their second award- 10 role models.... will have to think what to do next once they keep getting awards!)

My kids are also loving the calendar, especially the I wonder questions. We have a new one each monday and each day I change the question a little bit or make it a bit more specific (i.e. make up your own etc). Such a great way to get them thinking and then speaking and listening.

They are probably my 2 favourite things from everything that I made ready for the year, the noise monitor is great and I have noise monitors, but I still have to remind them a lot and motivate them with the behaviour chart.

One great way to start the year was to go over the school rules and have a big chat about what they meant. Students brainstormed each rule. I typed them up put them on the floor and students came out, chose one and explained which rule it belonged on (as some could have gone on a few). It was a great way for students to really explain why we have rules.

Last term we did some great things, one thing which I loved was one of our I wonder questions where we thought about what fruit we would be. At the end of the week I brought in a coconut, kiwi fruit, nectarine, passionfruit and lemons and the kids became budding artists! Have a look at their great work

Another interesting thing that we did was our inquiry topic of 'rules'. We ended up making posters about sun, water and road safety. We also learnt how to play snakes and ladders, wrote a procedure and made up our own with safe (bottom of ladders) and unsafe rules (top of snakes) in it. The kids had such a great time making these and playing them with their parents on our showcase night. 

That will do for now, but I will try my hardest to post up more frequently throughout this term with some things that we are doing :-)


  1. Looks and sounds great... I need to take more photos of work this term! lol

    1. Thanks hun :-) yes i definitely need to get onto taking pics of more work! Thinking I actually have some things up around my room that Ill take pics of later this week ready for more blog posts :-)

    2. HAHA me too! I really am thinking of going in Wednesday to do a few things... I really want to make that flower clock!

    3. I have been wanting to make that flower clock all term but never had time! I don't like my clock tho- might buy myself a new one before I make it!!!! :-)

  2. Glad to hear that your term went so well! It looks like you had so many amazing things planned for your class :) Keep up with the updates, it is great to see how your class is coming along. Best wishes from Manitoba, Canada!

    1. Thanks Miss L,
      Yes will be more on top of the blog this term, hopefully Ill have some great things to share!


  3. I've always thought it would be amazing to visit Australia and New Zealand and sit in classrooms for several weeks. I think it must be Marie Clay's influence on me. Glad to hear things are going well.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. haha, you are funny! Well if you ever get the chance to come to Melbourne let me know and you can visit my class :-)
      Thanks for the comment

  4. I'm so excited you found my blog so I could follow you! I want to go to Australia SO BAD! =)

    I'm excited to get to know you.

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

    1. Thanks Emily, you are so sweet!!! Hopefully you get to come to Australia one day, and hopefully I get to go to America one day!
      Looking forward to following your blog :-)
      Thanks for the follow


  5. I so remember the first year teaching! Man... nothing can prepare you! But the good news: you're past the worst part! Yay! It all gets easier from here on out. Looks like you're doing some fun things! I'm excited to have an Australian blogging friend.

    Tangled with Teachin

    1. Thanks Emily, its good to hear people say that the first term you ever teach is the hardest and it gets better :-) cos while I have had heaps of fun it has been sooooooo hard lol!!!! Thanks for the comment

